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Satyr Species

Common affinities: Earth, Clay, Water, Air and Cloud elements
Notes: The majority of known Satyrs possess these elements as affinities.
Uncommon affinities: Fire and Fire subtypes
Notes: Satyrs with non-Earth affinities do exist, but are considered unusual. Fire and Fire subtype affinities are almost never seen in Satyrs. It is unknown if this is from biological or personality conditions.
Hereditary influence: Earth elements are easily passed down from parent to offspring as affinities. If a satyr is born from two non-Earth affinity parents, it will inherit at random one to two parental affinities. If only one parent has an Earth-element affinity, the offspring will usually always inherit it.
Environmental influence: Satyrs readily change affinities to match their environment, provided the environment is rich in an Earth element. If not, Satyrs tend to remain unchanged.
Elemental weaknesses, common: Fire, Ice, Acid
Notes: Satyrs dislike elements normally seen as destructive to wildlife, and more often than not are themselves susceptible to the harmful effects of these elements.
Elemental resistances, common: Clay, Earth, Water
Notes: These elements are favored among Satyrs for their ready ability to nurture plants and animals. Satyrs are familiar
with these elements even if not possessing an affinity for them.
<u>Locations, common</u>: Gnawth, Mica, Croon Fens
Habitation preference: Satyrs are a highly empathetic, social species. It is almost unheard of to find a Satyr living in isolation. They get along with all other major species on Owel, and readily integrate themselves into non-Satyr communities.
Climate preference: Satyrs enjoy temperate environments with moderate to frequent rainfall, with Gnawth being the best example of a climate they prefer. They dislike harsh environments. A general rule of thumb to go by is: if you can't grow a forest there, Satyrs won't want to live there.
All Satyrs are born ambidextrous and remain so for the rest of their lives.
Satyrs convert all ingested poisons, regardless of potency, into alcohol. The workings of this process are currently a mystery.
Satyrs are highly compatible with other species regarding producing offspring, second only to Flowercats. Satyr hybrids are one of the most common hybrid types on Owel.
Satyrs are mainly female, with an average of one in eight being male.
Satyr-imps are a common sight in Hellside. Why is unknown.
Satyrbuns have a tendency to have a snobbish attitude toward music or singing that lacks magic.
Satyrbuns often feel that since their singing is innately magical, it is "better" than any other kind of singing. Since Satyrbuns are not necessarily skilled at singing itself, this can lead to arguments between an unskilled Satyrbun singer and a skilled non-Satyrbun singer.
Flower Candies do have flowers and plants often growing from them, just like Satyrs, but usually in mineral form.
It is very common to find Flower Candies that glow in the dark, or that have some sort of natural bioluminescence.
Satyrqorns are only begrudgingly put up with in many communities, as their eccentric attitudes test the patience of everyone they meet.
Satyrqorns almost always have extremely long, arbitrarily complex names, and will insist you call them by their full name whenever you address them.
Satyrfoxes dislike being confused for pure Satyrs or for any other pure fox race.
Satyrfoxes are commonly looked down upon by pure fox communities.