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Frilled Petal Dragon Species

Frilled Petal Dragon
Common elements: Fire, Water, Air, Earth, Light
Notes: Frilled Petal Dragons come in many different colors, shapes and varieties. FPDs can come in every type of affinity, but the above-listed elements are the most common affinities for FPDs.
Uncommon elements: Secondary elements, dual elements
Notes: Frilled Petal Dragons of every affinity have been documented, but anything other than Light and the four primary elements occur at a lower rate. Dual affinities and secondary element affinities usually occur in eclectic Frilled Petal Dragon communities.
Rare elements: Spirit, spirit subtypes
Notes: When a Spirit affinity is present in a Frilled Petal Dragon community, it is usually the only affinity present in that community. The only known Frilled Petal Dragon communities with a Spirit affinity are located in Carrot Crook, Heart Mountain, Dendain and Heaven's Keys.
Elemental weaknesses, common: Acid, Ice
Notes: Of all the elements that can interfere with the health and growth of a Frilled Petal Dragon, Acid and Ice are the most efficient. Frilled Petal Dragons can detect large negative presences of these elements and will usually avoid them.
Elemental resistances, common: Varies
Notes: Frilled Petal Dragons are usually resistant to their own affinities, even if they are Acid or Ice.
Hereditary influence: High
Notes: Nearly every feature of a Frilled Petal Dragon is due to its genetic inheritance. Genes and affinities can skip several generations. Affinities inherited are almost always compatible with the current environment.
Environmental influence: Low
Notes: Rather than stay in and adapt to inhospitable environments, Frilled Petal Dragons usually migrate to more favorable locations. They can fall ill if not in a suitable environment.
Locations, common: All over Owel, not in large or industrial cities
Place of origin: Owel, Dewclaw, Citrico Archipelago
Language: Plant
Climate preferences: Varies
Notes: Each type and variety of Frilled Petal Dragon has its own set of wants and needs dependent on its affinity, flower or fruit. A Pomegragon may prefer an arid, hot climate whereas a Blueberrygon may prefer a damp, cool climate.
Ability to plan / abstract: Medium, Medium Low, High (rare)
Notes: Frilled Petal Dragons are somewhat intelligent, but will usually not interact with other races. Smarter Frilled Petal Dragons can learn Common, but will pretend they cannot in order to be left alone.
Frilled Petal Dragons are very territorial, and individuals stumbling into their territory will be severely harassed and annoyed.
Frilled Petal Dragons are usually a foot tall, but have been found in all sizes. Frilled Pigmy Dragons no taller than a few inches have been found in Auroria, and Frilled Petal Dragosaurs over twelve feet tall have been found in Deep Mountain.
The fruit or flower on a Frilled Petal Dragon will grow back if damaged, lost or removed, albeit slowly, and only if the Frilled Petal Dragon is in a suitable environment for the fruit or flower it lost.
Frilled Petal Dragons cannot survive on an all-vegetarian diet. They require meat in addition to fruits and vegetables in order to remain healthy.
Frilled Petal Dragons will not attack or harass species that have some type of plant-like attribute. (See Plantorgons, Flowercats). This leads many people to don fake flowers and such in order to explore Frilled Petal Dragon territories. These costumes almost never work, as Frilled Petal Dragons are clever, perceptive and can tell the difference between a glued-on flower and an innate one.
Species' original concept of "frilled lizard with a flower as its frill" goes to patron Nymlus! (Whose own frilled petal dragon is the cute blue one on the sheet!) Thank you!