Circlet of the Sun

Hey everyone. This is a heavier update than usual, and full of a lot of difficult-to-parse feelings. Please heed the content warnings. It might take some closer reading than usual, or a reread, in order to absorb some of it.
Thank you Zen and Opa for your contributions to this work.
Sila belongs to Scarfworks.
I have a lot of things to say about this piece, but it's mostly about the conflicting feelings of being subject to someone else's bad moods and unfair feelings, and what psychological and emotional abuse can do and what it can feel like. It's about a lot of things, including abuse, and what it feels like, and how trying to help someone can lead to them feeling entitled to your help. It's about how other people can shirk responsibility for their actions by blaming you and not examining how they are affecting you. It's about how people will try to change the story so they're never wrong. It's about how people erase victims by cutting words out of your head and mouth. It's about how people sometimes use self-harm and suicide threats as ways to control and manipulate others with their bad feelings. It's about the ways people will threaten you, and use violent language on you, and then revert into a nice person in front of everyone else, so you feel isolated and alone and crazy.
It's about a lot of things.
Here's the album, FREQUENCY gift:
I hope that anyone who has feelings about having gone through similar situations can find solace in this work, and I hope you are able to feel comfortable enough to talk about it one day. Please consider leaving a comment if you don't have anyone to talk to about things you've been through - I would be happy to read and try to understand.
The VN player might be a little buggier than normal, because eevee has worked new features into it - like being able to visit panels via the pause button. If you run into any issues, please let us know!