[Beleth looking bored] [Andre looking proud of his graffiti]


Citrico - Again, Citrico is the capital of Citrico Island, but it’s not Citrico Capital of the mainland. Nothing makes you stick out faster as a tourist than mixing the two up. The city of Citrico is highly acclaimed as the best gourmet dining spot. Chefs from all over the world travel to Citrico to take part in yearly competitions involving the wildlife of the islands. Killing or harming the animals without a permit results in steep fines and sometimes incarceration; only trained chefs are allowed to even apply for a permit pack. With a set of permits, a chef can employ a few helpers to harvest only specific creatures, and not more than the limit set forth by Citrico (which changes yearly depending on the populations of the wildlife).

Cutie, Cara Cara, Clement, Navel, and Ham - Each of these cities is known for different types of cooking and different flavors. You’ll also find varying wildlife depending on which city you’re near - which, not by coincidence, usually matches the chosen flavors of the nearest city. The city of Ham is known for savory flavors, Navel for bitter, Cutie for sweet, Clement for sour, and Cara Cara for salty.

See Also